About PJ Energy Solutions UK
PJ Energy Solutions offers expert advice on health, relationships, money and career based on Authentic Feng Shui principles which, when combined with personal Chinese Astrology and an energy appraisal and treatment based on dowsing, has the potential to help an individual or a business to move forward by restoring balance to the client, the business and the environment.

Academy of Source Energy Healing® and Wisdom®
Jilly Stott is the Founder of the Academy of Source Energy Healing® and Wisdom®. Source Energy Healing, a gentle yet profound healing system, works on the cells of the body and brings healing on every level, to mind, body, spirit and emotions.
Source Energy Wisdom® Guidance Cards are 'Windows to Enlightenment'. You can train as a Source Energy Healing Practitioner and also as a Wisdom® Guidance Card Practitioner with the Academy.